Network Replacement Project

From 17th March – 18th April 2025, we will be carrying out a network replacement project that will massively upgrade our network quality and capacity. We are writing to you today to let you know more information about this project and how it will affect you.  Why is it necessary? Read more…


Planned Network Maintenance – Planned wired network upgrade, July 13th 10am to 4pm Monday 13th July, work on the core and network upgrade starts again, the first issue we need our engineers to look at is the issues we had with the network CORE. So on Monday 13th July from Read more…

Validation Survey – building order

There will be two engineers on-site each day, so buildings will be done in parallel. Tuesday 14th Engineer 1 Maitland Darbishire Margery Fry House Engineer 2 Wolfson Penrose Wednesday 15th Engineer 1 Park Library House Hostle Engineer 2 Vaughan Margery Fry House DHQ Barbara Craig House Radcliffe

Wi-Fi update Friday 3rd November

Almost there… As of 4pm today we have 290 wireless access points online serving the College. We are currently snagging the remaining issues which affect around 8 access points we still need to bring online. Please give the wireless network a good test and if you could provide feedback to Read more…

Wi-Fi update Monday 30th October

Work this week Penrose & Wolfson including FAH & BWR Darbishire Quad, Lodge House & NCR Park – Tuesday 31st October Final configuration day – TBC Other buildings To see the current status of all College buildings please refer this schedule: Red = behind schedule, some issues with connectivity Read more…

Wi-Fi update Friday 27th October

Completed so far this week For the following buildings all rooms should be working, so give it a good test and let us know via if you have any issues: 119a / Nursery Hostel / Bursary Dining Hall including PDR/SCR/Reading Room/Staff Room/Offices Vaughan Holtby Ongoing work Penrose & Wolfson Read more…