Ongoing work
- ROQ East and West – All rooms should be working at 100% with the following exceptions which are being investigated today and tomorrow:
- East – Room 6, Room 23
- West – Room 3, Room 32, Room 35, Room 37, Room41
- Barbara Craig House – one access point still to be installed, otherwise most areas should be working fine, please test
- Maitland – two access points still to be configured
- MTC – to be checked
- Library – one AP to install, otherwise most areas should be working fine, please test
- House – ongoing
- 119a / Nursery
- House
- Hostel / Bursary
- West Lodge
Next week
- Vaughan – Monday 23rd
- Holtby – Tuesday 24th
- Penrose, Wolfson including FAH and BWR – Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th
- Darbishire Quad, Lodge House & NCR – Friday 27th
Other buildings
To see the status of all College buildings please refer this schedule:
Red = behind schedule, some issues with connectivity during works
Amber = work ongoing, connectivity issues during works
Green = complete