Outlook Mobile App

https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/outlook-mobile-for-android-and-ios Download Microsoft Outlook from the App Store Open Outlook go to settings, and tap Add Email Account Select Add Email Account from the list offered Enter your Oxford email address in full. This will include the letters you usually include after the @ symbol (e.g. @some.ox.ac.uk) Enter your Oxford username. Your username will Read more…

End of year & leavers ICT advice 2019

End of term self-registration clear out Monday 8th July 2019 @ 10:30am Computer registrations for this term are set to expire on Monday 8th July 2019 at 10:30am. Anyone who is still in College will be prompted to re-scan their computers when next connected.  Please make sure you have kept your Read more…

Microsoft Teams – Disable Auto-start

A guide to preventing Teams popping up every morning. You can access the settings menu near the top right. Click on your profile icon -> Settings. In the general settings:You can change to a preferred themeYou can disable the auto-start or allow Teams to start silently in the background.