Planned Network Maintenance

Planned wired network upgrade, June 8th through to June 12th Dear all, Just before the lock down we had placed an order to replace our physical wired network infrastructure. That work for obvious reasons the project got postponed, however we are now ready to proceed with the upgrade. The plan Read more…

eduroam – quick guide

First connect to the Internet by signing into The Cloud or using your own mobile data, then go to to register for a Remote Access Account. PLEASE NOTE: If you have an Android device install the eduroamCAT tool from the ‘Google Plan Store’ before continuing. On the device you Read more…

Networks @ Somerville 2018-19

A quick introduction/reminder of what each network at Somerville College is capable of for the start of term. This might get rather technical so a quick summary: The SOMERVILLE wireless network has more bandwidth available than EDUROAM or The Cloud combined. The SOMERVILLE network does not limit bandwidth per device Read more…

Printing @ Somerville College

Self-service printing facilities are available to all members of the college at: This offers mobile printing functionality, so any member of the College can upload and print documents in various formats. You can access the service with your SSO account and password, allowing you to print without the need Read more…